Start a New Adventure with OrbitRing!

While playing World of Warcraft recently, I found myself captivated by an add-on called Opie.

Not only does it look fantastic, but it also boasts incredibly practical features. It got me thinking: why not bring this kind of experience to my daily work on macOS? Imagine having an app ring appear around your cursor, allowing you to quickly launch apps with just a slight mouse movement—how cool would that be?
So, I decided to make it happen. On a quiet evening with some free time, I opened Xcode and wrote the very first line of code.
As it turns out, coding is a lot like writing a novel. When inspiration strikes, ideas flow endlessly, and it’s hard to stop. Initially, my plan was to create a simple MVP, pair it with some UI designs, and test the market's reaction. But by the time I realized I had gone far beyond that initial plan, it was already too late. Before I knew it, I had a "barely functional" app ready to go.
The process was exhilarating. I quickly recorded a short demo video and posted it on Reddit. However, due to my rushed efforts and less-than-perfect English, the initial feedback wasn’t great—some even criticized it 😂. But amidst the critiques, there were also many encouraging comments and supportive users. Some were eager to download and explore the app right away, which gave me the confidence to keep improving it.
I created a small app. Anyone interested?
by u/chrisakring in macapps
Fast forward to today, this spur-of-the-moment idea has a name: OrbitRing. As an astronomy enthusiast, the name came to me almost instantly, and I didn’t hesitate to choose it. The development of OrbitRing is now nearly complete, with only a few finishing touches left. Soon, I’ll release a public TestFlight version and invite everyone to try it out.
I have no idea what the future holds for OrbitRing or whether it will find success in the market. But this fast-paced, fully immersive development experience has been one of a kind in my career, and it feels incredibly rewarding.
By the time you read this blog, OrbitRing should already be available. Feel free to download and give it a try! OrbitRing offers a seven-day free trial and can be unlocked permanently for the price of a cup of coffee. I’ll also be rolling out more exciting features in future updates. Thank you all for your support!